Par King.
Park(ing) Day. Thanks to Rebar !!! The urban environment is unkind to stillness. One must produce rent money, change for the cup of coffee that buys your table, or coins for a parking meter to lay anchor in your car. Stillness requires access to capital. Access to capital is generated through movement. Movement is encouraged at all times. Parking meters expire. Coffee shops close. Sprinkler systems discourage sleeping in parks.
To have a space to rest is a treasure in our increasingly developed spaces. Green, hospitable space in the city provides a temporary respite from the pressure of movement, void of calm places to sit and rest.
Today's Park(ing) experiment was a wonderful way to bring awareness to the issue of limited green space, and the health effects Most overheard comment out on the sod in front of the California College of Art: "We should have this here every day."

Labels: digigr8
Didn't seen any on Van Ness Avenue. Remind me for next year.
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