
I take most of these pictures while riding my bicycle around San Francisco. I hope you will enjoy viewing them. August 27, 2007 and before: $15 Radio Shack digigr8, 300 kilopixel camera. November 13, 2007 and after: Canon SD1000

25 February 2006

Water. Worlds.

At the aquarium. Am I looking into a world contained by water and glass?
Or am I looking out of a world contained by glass and air?
Perhaps we must ask the fish . . .

Simulated waves crash behind these visitors, as they have their picture taken by my Mom.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

The fish swims and sees no end to the water, the bird flies and sees no end to the air...what does the 15dollarcam truely see?

27 February, 2006 10:02  
Blogger Judy Birmingham said...

Nice shots! Makes me want to be a fish and live in that blue-green world of water, light, and bubbles.

27 February, 2006 20:19  

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