
I take most of these pictures while riding my bicycle around San Francisco. I hope you will enjoy viewing them. August 27, 2007 and before: $15 Radio Shack digigr8, 300 kilopixel camera. November 13, 2007 and after: Canon SD1000

30 March 2006

Poly Chromatic Simian Apartment Mods

Heavy Mojo:

Heavy Jojo:

Nice Corners!





Alone together.

One by one we arrive at the waiting line.
Seemingly invisible to each other.
So close we could high five all around.
So far we look through, not at.

Light turns green.
Off we go.
To head homeward.
Or deliver a package.
Or write a ticket.
"Purpose" lives somewhere else.
Not now.


29 March 2006


With record rains in San Francisco this month,
this seemed to be an appropriate montage
on a very rainy day.


28 March 2006

Poetic Interlude

When despair for the world grows in me

and I wake in the night at the least sound

in fear of what my life and my children's lives may be,

I go and lie down where the wood drake

rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.

I come into the peace of wild things

who do not tax their lives with forethought

of grief. I come into the presence of still water.

And I feel above me the day-blind stars

waiting with their light. For a time

I rest in the grace of the world, and am free


by Wendell Berry


27 March 2006

Included within Infinity:

The watchers watch the skies . . .

. . . and the little dogs walk themselves.


24 March 2006

Kick out your first Spring weekend Joyride!


23 March 2006

Spring is in the hair.

With birds and fruit trees alighting in Her hair,
the Goddess rises from Winter slumber
to annoint the world with the energy of renewal.


21 March 2006

Spring is in the air, homage to the new season.

Approaching the beach, saying goodbye
to the comfort of the forest trail.

Sunset reflections in the tide.

A pair of bodies keeping each other warm
as the temperature drops sharply next to the water.
The smell from the campfire evokes memories and feelings.

Saying goodnight to the Sun. Until tomorrow.

Sunset colors, complemented by the paint on the side of this car.


Happy Spring! (sorry for the delay)

"Those who wish to control their own lives and move beyond existence as mere clients and consumers - those people ride a bike."
- Wolfgang Sachs, For the Love of the Automobile

Community gardens exhibit the spirit of hope. The seeds of change. The fragrance of a faint memory of community spirit, and conscious collective effort. I found this one while biking through a tiny street off of my well traveled route to and from work.


17 March 2006

Inscribe them on the doorpost of your house, and on your gates.

The person who installed this gate
is ensured a regular reminder
to enjoy their day.
May we do the same.


Photo Friday - "Technology"

"All the arms we need."
Love is advanced technology.

Painted mural at streetcar stop.


16 March 2006

Flux Capacitor Bus Mods.

I discovered Lola's cousin. Or brother. Or nephew. Or . . .
Introducing: El Volado!

Close-up of the rear tail light assembly.
Anybody remember the Flux Capacitor?


15 March 2006

The flip side.

Pic taken while traveling by bicycle on 31 January, 2006:

Another wayward loop 'round the city is made.
Pedestrian bridge above the municipal rail tracks.

Seen from the other side.
Taken a couple days ago while walking through the park.

Perhaps this is not as clear as it once seemed . . .
Sidewalk stencil graffiti:
