
I take most of these pictures while riding my bicycle around San Francisco. I hope you will enjoy viewing them. August 27, 2007 and before: $15 Radio Shack digigr8, 300 kilopixel camera. November 13, 2007 and after: Canon SD1000

28 February 2006

Jellyfish Above

Natural patterns repeat.
These jellyfish clouds
are now dumping
thousands of tons of water
upon the land.

There are large storms moving over the City today.
The size of these massive vapor clouds is deceiving.
Look at the utility poles and buildings for a size reference.


25 February 2006

Water. Worlds.

At the aquarium. Am I looking into a world contained by water and glass?
Or am I looking out of a world contained by glass and air?
Perhaps we must ask the fish . . .

Simulated waves crash behind these visitors, as they have their picture taken by my Mom.


22 February 2006

In The Garden

The cold persists.
The flowers insist.
What do they say to you?


20 February 2006

Waves. Out and About.

The weekend came again. The beach was empty . . .

. . . and full. A musical band played with the sound waves.

A kite played on the air waves.

It was a good day to be a windmill

. . . or a clown.



19 February 2006

It's okay if you don't know where to put it . . .

There's room.


17 February 2006

Winter Sun

After a beautiful blast of warm weather, the reality of the season has descended on the City. The Sun's warmth rests behind the cold, iron bars. We press our faces to the gate.


Low Tech Around the World

After joining the photoblogring, I was browsing around the list of members, and found another photo artist who uses a low-tech camera. Moses uses his cell phone camera to capture the images on his site. I wrote to him and expressed my surprise at finding another photographer who enjoys using a "low quality" tool. I also emailed him an old photo of mine which I took with a cell phone camera. He was kind enough to publish the image on his site. With his permission, I am republishing some of his images taken with his cell phone camera. I told him I would only pick one, but with so many beautiful images, I found that too difficult. Here are four of my favorites from his site: http://lowquality.wordpress.com/. Please enjoy these images, and check out his site, as well.


16 February 2006

High to Low - dedications

1I had a conversation about the clouds today. About how rarely they appear as cumulus formations, like I was used to in my youth growing up in the Midwest. The person I was speaking to said, "Yeah, here they're often just weird."

Please see below for a photo of this evening's cloud formation in the Western sky upon my bike ride home. This is dedicated to the weird clouds of the West. This a weird cloud. Would you agree?

The following photo is dedicated to music concert flyer artists everywhere, who provide a temporary showing of creative artwork, and a slightly longer showing of staple remnants.

The following photo is dedicated to you. For looking. Thank you.

Thank you to my sister for helping me pick out this shoe from amongst the many attractive choices available at the store that day. This next photo is dedicated to you:

Ron, you forgot your manhole cover . . .

The following photo is dedicated to my friend, Paul. He can smoke a mean ax, and fronts the awesome rock group, The Licks38. Click here to see The Licks' manhole photo39. ***This Just In---> Paul wrote me to mention that the Licks' album cover manhole photo was taken with a disposable film camera. Or as Paul put it, "A 10dollarCam!" The culture of inexpensive photgrapy is expanding.



15 February 2006

Apart. Together.

Car, scooter, bicycle. The three of us waited at this light together. Politely oblivious as to each others' presence. The walk signal counts down 2 . . . 1 . . . Go! I am reminded of the used bike salesman who decorated his hand written business flyer with "4 wheels bad, 2 wheels good." Where would he put scooters on that scale?

These creatures are in porcelain dog heaven. Locked in the friendliest of canine postures of greeting. Sending a message of warmth and peace to the sidewalk going populace.

I wonder if these sticks will be used again after being carted away by the "Wood Only" dumpster collectors. I can think of a few hundred bonfire goers at Ocean Beach who would appreciate such a score.

I found this stick in the middle of the street. Pointing the way home.


14 February 2006

Happy Valentine's Day!

Thanks to my everloving Momma for sending me this Monkey Valentine Card that she constructed. You are my original Valentine. I love you!

Sending out wishes for peace and health to all.

Sincerely, ZYL


This Side Up

These photos have all been rotated from their original orientation. The compositions seem to lend an intriguing ambiguity as to which way is "right." Please enjoy walking your eyes around the images.

Art Car!!! I hope to dedicate an entire post to this wonderful phenomenon soon.


13 February 2006


I had previously proclaimed that the 15dollarCam didn't take good pictures of the sky. I stand corrected. May the following series be seen as my visual apology. This photo set is free of digital editing. Thank you, oh humble machine.



12 February 2006

Textures: Doors and Walls

Today, I took my bicycle to the shop where I bought it, for some routine maintenance. The following series evolved from my walk around the neighborhood while I was waiting to pick the bike up again.

